College Board Quiz Reflection

Journey to Learn the Material

This College Board Quiz pushed my understanding and analytical skills. Some questions, I was not able to get because I did not have the proper knowledge required to complete the question. Reviewing these questions and learning how to tackle them in the future is essential to my growth as a CSP student. I got a 61/67 which was a slight decrease from my previous score. I think this was because last trimesters team teach presentations were much better than this trimesters. I was able to fully understand and take in the knowledge that they presented about.

Test Corrections

Question 5

Incorrect Answer: Chose option A (“A = true, B = false, C = false, D = true”) Explanation: My knowledge of logic gates was not complete. I didn’t understand the diagram in its entirety which led to me getting the question wrong. Personal Reflection: I can learn from my teamate, Ronit, how logic gates work because he created a logic gate tester. I can use this program to help learn how they work and get this question right in the future.

Question 11

Incorrect Answer: Chose option B (“Light yellow”) Explanation: I realised that the binary was used to get the numbers for the RGB values. However, I was confused how the values were formed from the binary values. I ruled out Nuetral Gray because 127 was far to low if all the values are ones. I also ruled out vivid yellow because 14 is too low for 4 ones. So I guessed between light yellow and ivory and I guessed wrong. Personal Reflection: I now realised that the binary values were correlated to the RGB values by addition. I had to add the values to get the color code and will do this from now on.

Question 23

Incorrect Answer: Chose option C (“available <- weekday or miles ≥ 20”) Explanation: My understanding of the flowchart was flawed leading to a miscalculation and the wrong answer. All the different paths confused me and distracted me from the true premise of the question. Personal Reflection: Learning how to read and understand flowcharts is a crucial part of coding. I need to learn how to fully understand and decifer flowcharts to become a better coder.

Question 41

Incorrect Answer: Chose option D (“II and III”) Explanation: I understood that statement 3 would first call TrimLeft to remove the date tag. This would then pass the result to TrimRight which would remove the file extension tag and this would leave the description. I failed to understand that Statement II would remove the rightmost eleven charcters which would remove more than desired and give the wrong description. Personal Reflection: Learning to analyse a procedure call is crucial to my growth as a coder. I should study and figure out how to properly analyze these calls so that I can grow as a CSP student.

Question 56

Incorrect Answer: Chose Option C (“Version II requires aproxmiately 1 more minute to execute than Version I”) Explanation: I understood that Version II would require more time because it wasn’t as efficient as Version I. However, I didn’t know how much more efficient Version I was leading me to the wrong answer. Personal Reflection: Learning how to see how much more efficient a program is is a key skill as a programer. I need to know what the most efficient way to find the result to a problem is. This could save a lot of time when dealing with bigger data sets.

Question 67

Incorrect Answer: Chose option A and D Explanation: I understood that it wouldn’t register the birch two times because it would reset the count. However, I thought that it would only reset the count when it encountered another of the same word. For this reason, I thought that maple would work because it didn’t show up again so it wouldn’t reset the count. Personal Reflection: Understanding sudo code is a very important skill that every coder needs to know. I think to further understand sudo code, I could watch some videos on how sudo code functions.