Test Score

64/70 corrections correct


Question 16

Question: The author of an e-book publishes the e-book using a no-rights-reserved Creative Commons license. Which of the following best explains the consequences of publishing the book with this type of license?

My answer: Individuals will be legally prevented from using excerpts from the e-book in another published work.

Correct Answer: Individuals can freely distribute or use the contents of the e-book without needing to obtain additional permissions from the author.

Explanation: A no-rights-reserved Creative Commons license is used when the creator of a published work wants the work to be made freely available to everyone.

Growth: I should research more about the rights of people who can access something online.

Question 19

Question: Which of the following best explains how devices and information can be susceptible to unauthorized access if weak passwords are used?

My answer: Unauthorized individuals can exploit vulnerabilities in encryption algorithms to determine a user’s password from their encryption key.

Correct Answer: Unauthorized individuals can use data mining and other techniques to guess a user’s password.

Explanation: A strong password is something that is easy for a user to remember but would be difficult for someone else to guess based on knowledge of that user. Weak passwords can often be guessed based on publicly available information about a user. Other weak passwords (such as “password” or “1234”) can often be guessed because they are commonly used.

Growth: Watch videos and learn the collegeboard standards for what is considered a strong password and a weak password.

Question 49

Question: Which of the following best explains the ability to solve problems algorithmically?

My answer: Any problem can be solved algorithmically, though some algorithmic solutions may require humans to validate the results.

Correct Answer: There exist some problems that cannot be solved algorithmically using any computer.

Explanation: An undecidable problem is one for which no algorithm can be constructed that is always capable of providing a correct yes-or-no answer. Some instances of an undecidable problem may have an algorithmic solution, but there is no algorithmic solution that could solve all instances of the problem.

Growth: Research and watch videos on how algorithms work and what type of them can be solved without any human help or with human help.

Question 53

Question: A list of numbers has n elements, indexed from 1 to n. The following algorithm is intended to display true if the value target appears in the list more than once and to display false otherwise. The algorithm uses the variables position and count. Steps 4 and 5 are missing. Which of the following could be used to replace steps 4 and 5 so that the algorithm works as intended?

My answer: Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the value of count is greater than 2. Step 5: If position is greater than or equal to n, display true. Otherwise, display false.

Correct Answer: Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the value of position is greater than n. Step 5: If count is greater than or equal to 2, display true. Otherwise, display false.

Explanation: Step 4 checks every element of the list, incrementing count each time target appears. Step 5 prints true if and only if count appears multiple times in the list.

Growth: Learn more about how lists and the elements in the list work in sudo code. This would be a very helpful topic because I still have room for improvement on sudo code in general.

Question 55

Question: A code segment is intended to transform the list utensils so that the last element of the list is moved to the beginning of the list. For example, if utensils initially contains [“fork”, “spoon”, “tongs”, “spatula”, “whisk”], it should contain [“whisk”, “fork”, “spoon”, “tongs”, “spatula”] after executing the code segment. Which of the following code segments transforms the list as intended?

My answer: len <- LENGTH(utensils) temp <- utensils[len] REMOVE(utensils, len) APPEND(utensils, temp)

Correct Answer: len <- LENGTH(utensils) temp <- utensils[len] REMOVE(utensils, len) INSERT(utensils, 1, temp)

Explanation: This code segment assigns the value of the last element of the list to the variable temp, then removes the last element of the list, then inserts temp as the first element of the list.

Growth: I was confused on how the sudo code in a list worked. Just like question 53, I need to work on how sudo code in a list works.

Question 57

Question: A certain computer has two identical processors that are able to run in parallel. The following table indicates the amount of time it takes to execute each of four processes on a single processor. Assume that none of the processes is dependent on any of the other processes. Which of the following parallel computing solutions would minimize the amount of time it takes to execute all four processes?

My Answer: Running processes P and S on one processor and processes Q and R on the other processor

Correct Answer: Running processes P and Q on one processor and processes R and S on the other processor

Explanation: With two processors running in parallel, execution time is minimized when the processors take on as close to an equal workload as possible. Running processes P and Q on one processor will take a total of 40 seconds. Running processes R and S on the other processor will take a total of 35 seconds. As the processors run in parallel, all four operations are completed in 40 seconds.

Growth: I misread the question and therefore did it wrong. I now understand that you just had to compare the options and see which one had the lowest time which makes sense in context.