
All in all, Night at the Museum was a very fun experience for our group. Our project was a meme creator in which the user could creaate their own meme by uploading an image and adding top and bottom text. Once their meme was generated, they were able to download their meme or upload it to our public meme database. Lots of people came to our station and had a great time creating their own memes and exploring already uploaded memes in our databse. However, the most important experience of this event was the amount of valuable feedback we got as we continue to improve our project.


One area that lots of people suggested we could improve in was how we displayed the memes on our databse. Currently, it is displayed in a very small format and is hard to see. Lots of peope suggested creating a gallery of memes to make it easier to browse which we are currently developing. We want to be able to incorporate this into our final project because the UI is the most important part of all sites.


A Project that Impressed

My favorite project that I saw at Night At the Museum was a Clash Royale site. This project was interesting because it allowed the user to create customized Clash Royal decks. There was also a quiz that gave you a deck based off of your project. There were lots of features and the UI was very user friendly.