Project Summary

Our group had the idea of a meme creator where you could download the meme of your choosing. With the prevalent spread of the internet in the early 21st century, our group had the idea to invent a meme creator where you could unleaash your creativity.

My Feature

My feature is a database of all the images and their base64 encryption key. When a user creates a meme and publishes it to the database, it is stored here and can then be used by other users.

Componenet A: Program Code

CollegeBoard Requirement What I did
Instructions for input from one of the following: the user, a device, an online datas stream, a file. Our project takes an image, top text, and bottom text from the user.
Use of at least one list (or other collection type) to represent a collection of data that is stored and used to manage program complexity and help fulfill the users purpose. An example of collection of data in our project is the collection of memes on the backend that gets updated whenever the user adds a meme to it. We use this database so that the users can access all the memes and can download them or view them.
At least one procedure that contirubted to the program’s intened purpose where you have defined: the name, return type, one or more parameters: The procedure name(meme_maker), a return(image), and paramaters(image, top_text, bottom_text, font_path=’impact.ttf’, font_size=40) Screenshot-2024-02-26-at-9-33-27-AM
An algorithm that includes sequencing, selection, and iteration that is in the body of the selected procedure Image shows sequencing, selection, and iteration through a list of meme images sequencing
Calls to your student-developed prodcedure: This calls queryImages Screenshot-2024-02-26-at-9-03-13-PM
Instructions for output (tactile, audible, visual, or ) based on input and program functionality This code displays the image with the given top and bottom text from the user Screenshot-2024-02-26-at-9-10-19-PM

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