Calculator description:

I wanted to add a calculator to my website so I decided to code one using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The calculator design was inspired by the apple calculator on iPhone’s. I wanted to have a current operation display and a previous one right above it in smaller font that displayed the last function.


• There was a visual issue regarding the color shift when hovering over a button

• Some of the numbers we clicked would not pop up on the calculator display


• We reworked the hovering function until it worked

• We had to try inputting the numbers a different way than we previously did in order to make them all pop up properly.

Skills used/learned:

• We learned how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a simple calculator

• I used the eval function in JavaScript and HTML tags

Snake game:

Snake game description:

We used the source code from the GitHub repository to be able to make the snake game appear on our sites.


• The game would interfere with other elements on the screen, and the window would scroll up and down.


• We used spacers for the time being, then we commented out a part of the post template.

Skills used/learned:

• We learned how to use HTML code to add a snake game into the website

Top Grossing Movies

We got the top 25 grossing movies in the world, and made a list. It is able to sort alphabetically, by year, or by revenue.


• The list was a bit clunky to make, and some of the resources we found online to make the list did not format properly.


• We used HTML in order to make a list exactly how we wanted.

Skills used/learned:

• We learned how to use HTML code to add a movie list to our website that can be sorted in many different ways.